

New Member
why isnt my chameleon eating as much? at the end of the night most of the crickets i fed him would usually be gone but for the past 2 days he has been leaving alot left alive! is it because of the white shower curtains i put up around the cage? cuz i dust my crickets and they turn white then the curtains are white. do they blend in?
no i doubt the curtains are the problem, how old and what type of cham do you have its not uncommon for a cham to go on hunger strike, also do you only feed crickets?
well hes a 3 month panther and he just had his first shed. and yeah i feed crickets everyday and butterworms every other day and an occasional house fly.
hes ok with 10 i would say 10 to 15 is average depanding on the size of feeders. sound good to me tho. my 4 month old eats about the same.

and no problem anytime
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