Who leaves their chams out in the rain?


Chameleon Enthusiast
Well we're supposed to have almost a full week of rain this week. I had all my chams out all day in the rain and they really seemed to enjoy it. Who else leaves their chams out in the rain for long periods of time? Is there a risk for a URI?
Food for thought: they are originally from rain forests. ;)

I would leave mine out in the rain if temps were still good, except we never get any rain!
i agree with ferret

i have my two guys outside all day "errday":p, with proper watering, when it gets hot, they are under a tarp so rain doesnt really matter, unless it gets pretty cold like below 55 range imo, so far so good in my end, but no rain yet, though i heard we might get som rain soon

dont you live in vegas!!! i think it would be ok if temps were between 60+ and up
wow rain for a week? when i stayed over the mountain in pahrump i bet it rained 2-3 days a year. At any rate they will be fine. provided they have enough foliage to hide under if it gets to heavy.
I keep my veileds outside all the time, rain or shine (except hurricanes). They are doing awesome. My male has brightened up a lot ever since I started keeping him outside. The rain is just a plus for them.
I’m Broward County too, mine are outdoors all the time in a big walk in cage, as close to natural as I can do for them.
Temps will be in the low 70's through thursday so that will be perfect. And yes, I it's supposed to rain through Thursday so not the whole week but still it's exciting since we don't see much rain at all.
I have never thought of this! I'll have to try it next summer. Since Labor day weekend it has been pretty cold all day everyday and it will just continue to get colder! But i'll keep this in mind for those hot, rainy summer days. Thanks for the idea.
In the summer I keep my veiled outside all the time she seems to dislike being sprayed on or rained on so she gets a little pissy and hides. This summer I put her out late June right before I went on a short vacation and it rained here in New York pretty much the 5 days I was away and it was in the low 60s as well. She seemed ok other than looking real dark from what I was told. She even surprised me and laid 22 eggs in that time that she was holding I believe for an abnormally long time.
Moe stayed outside all day and all night rain or shine during the summer. I only brought him in when the hurricane was coming. Other than that he stuck it out through even thunderstorms. It didn't seem to bother him at all. He had plants to help shelter him if he really wanted to and his cage was positioned where it was against the side of the house and under about 5 inches of the roof (the overhang portion) so he had a few ways to get out of heavy rain if need be.
Who leaves their chams out in the rain?

Mother nature? ;)

We finished up a rainy week last week with cooler temps too (It was the last week before I had to bring them in because temps eventually plummeted to low 40s, but all week it was rain and night temps low 50s day temps low 70s or upper 60s). Mine did fine.
I do as well. I had my panthers outside in cages for a few weeks and they went through several nice storms. They did great, the outside time helped treat some issues they were having. Vet came back to find them in great shape.
My little girl is outside in the rain right now......a little cold, but she loves it I bet.....
Then again, shes probably wondering where that evil mister is.......
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