Where can i get Drift Wood


New Member
Where can i purchase or get drift wood from. I do not have much money for the wood, but any help will work. If you have any extra drift wood. I could possibly do a trade with you or buy it off your hands
That would work great but i live in Montana the state of farms and mountains. We only have lakes and a foot of snow lol. Would anyone be able to go to a beach and grabe about 6-7 pieces of driftwood like these in the picture. The picture is from lenny a member on here.
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Pet shops?

Do you have any pet shops near your home? There is a tropical fish store near my house and they sell lots of it, I think it is pretty inexpensive from what I can remember. If there is any kind of pet store... aside from like petsmart or petco, I would try there first.
We do have a pet store but they sell one piece for 40$ its a rip off. and our rivers are froze but i dont think we have drift wood like that pic here
Ebay or craigslist. I would look but I don't know your zip to get correct shipping prices. I know ebay has driftwood though.
If you get your own from Beach/River/Lake then you will need to treat it..

Set in a Trash Can with a solution of 10% bleach and 90% water for 4 hours. Weigh it down so it is submerged.

Cook in over for 10-15 mins at 350 degree till dry or set in sunlight for 12 hours to dry.
Thank You For The Tips Im Making A Custom Cage Next Week I Will Keep Updated On Pics But Can Anyone Get Some Drift Wood From A Local Beach For Me Plzzz. Or If Anyone Has Extra. Pm Me If Anyone Can Help Me Out.
i was out fishing the islands 2 days ago and when i was walking around i did look, but its a lot harder to find a good piece that you think. all i found were logs or the pieces were so wet they were like noodles. sorry
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