What is the approximate age of my female veiled?

Owner of Spanky

New Member
She is 2" from snout to vent. I would have found this out with the petstore owner, but he closed his store two days after I got her.
Yeah, I would guess maybe two months or so as well. I read up a lot on the size of female veileds when trying to figure out how old Joyce is. Here is her pic, and members here guessed her to be 4-5 months or so.

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Hey wendy, I would guesstimate yours to be around 5 months. I think she's almost the same size as mine.
Hey wendy, I would guesstimate yours to be around 5 months. I think she's almost the same size as mine.

Yeah, most people guessed in the 4 or 5 month range. And now, three weeks later, she is starting to skip a day of eating now and then, more like that 5-6 month range when they get their big girl pants on. :) Though she still has pig-out days, like today in her new cage, eating 6 crickets and 3 superworms in about 60 seconds!
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