vet check up ??


New Member
Okay so I've just been cham looks fine and everything but its about that time to get my cat to the vet for an annual check up and since my vet also takes care of reptiles, is it a good idea to bring my cham along for a check up. Nothings wrong I'm just thinking if theres anything they could check to see how hes doing. if yes what do they normally check for and do i need to bring anything with if i do bring him in? Also whats a good way to take him in? I've heard of a bird cage, one they cant get out of through the bars with a few branches and vines to blend in and try and stay calm. my vet is about 20-25 min away, and i just dont want him walkin all around free in th car. any ideas?? just so ya know my cat stays in a small dog carrier in the back seat, i could always just make seperate appointment for them. i was just curious about chams and vet visits, thanks. :)
Have a quick vet check is always good. I would put him in a cardboard box with something for him to sit on. He will go sleep as zoom as the box is closed and you are driving.
Exotics can really benefit from a vet visit just like regular pets do! Even though they don't get vaccines or need dental care it's still good to take them in periodically. You can get a weight check, go over husbandry (always good to confirm you're doing the right things), check basic health, gets radiographs if metabolic bone disease may be risk, and one of the best routine checks: a fecal. If you can bring the most recent feces from your chameleon (the fresher the better) they can quickly check for intestinal parasites. Your cham may already have parasites or can get them from the bugs you feed it sometimes. Catching it early can save you and your cham some headaches later (mine started throwing up due to worms I didn't know he had). Of course it would be best if your cat's vet also was knowledgable and comfortable with exotics, which a lot of vets aren't. If they're not into exotics they may not be able to offer you many benefits to offset the stress of bringing your cham in the first place. If you do take them both in at the same time I would suggest not having the cat out right next to your cham, it'll already be stressful, don't add a predator!

As for a travel container I put mine in a cardboard box with a perch stuck through the sides so it can't fall or roll and a towel on the bottom. That makes it quiet, dark and safe - they can perch on the branch and have a padded bottom if they fall. If it's dark and they can't see out they'll be much more comfortable not seeing all the dangers and unfamiliar territory around them = less stressed. Hope that helps! :)
If you have some poop make sure it does not dry out! You can put in a ziplock baggie with a wet papertowel to keep it moist.
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