Veiled Month at March South Bay Chameleon Keepers Meeting


Chameleon Enthusiast
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Howdy All,

Welcome to the March SBCK meeting! We'll be meeting Saturday, March 31 from 2PM to 5PM (and after) in Brea, (Southern) California at Kevin (Summoner12) Zamp's apartment complex. If you need directions RSVP to the address below and you'll get what you need!

March is Veiled Chameleon month at SBCK! Most of us have enjoyed having calyptratus as pets. A good number of us got their start with a veiled. Yeah, sure, sometimes they can act as if they got up on the wrong side of the bed. Sometimes you wonder if the “right” side of the bed exists! And then there are those who have such sweet veileds that they can use their veileds as a clothing accessory (Karen:). Whether evil or angels you cannot deny that they have personalities! And gorgeous to boot. This is “Bring Your Veiled” meeting. Come show off your friend! Of course, any species is still welcome.

Though never a requirement, we enjoy the cookies, brownies, vegetable plates, snacks, and drinks that members choose to bring. Don't be shy if you'd like to add to the ambiance with a snack of your own to share!

RSVP with an email to: [email protected] with how many people will be coming with you. We will reply with the address and directions to the meeting location for those that request it.

2pm-3pm.........Meet & Greet
~4pm............Feeder co-op sale and distribution
~5pm++..........Conversation and Meeting Wrap-up

The "South Bay Chameleon Keepers" (SBCK) meetings are free-of-charge meetings and are pretty much free-flowing, with all chameleon topics open for discussion. "Show and Tell" discussions are common. We continue to have group bulk-buys (silkworms, hornworms, superworms, crickets, dubias etc.) at our meetings. Some members may be bringing these feeders to sell but that's not guaranteed. Let us know if you are looking for these feeders (or anything else) and we'll try to confirm availability (pre-ordering) before the meeting. Some keepers bring their chameleon books and magazines along with other various items to spark discussions. We all enjoy seeing your chameleons, young and old, big and small. Just keep in mind that there is stress involved in the trip. So if you plan on bringing chameleons either for Show and Tell or for sale (pre-arranged sales are encouraged) just keep in mind your chameleon's well-being.

Our group ranges from long-time breeders to novice keepers. There are usually new members at every meeting.

See You There,


The has added a "Social Group" area that our SBCK members can associate themselves to by requesting an "Invite" ( Our purpose for having the SBCK Group area on this Forum is to help SBCK members keep track of who & how to contact other SBCK members. The term "Member" is used loosely to mean anyone who attends the free meetings. If you have no intention of ever attending any of the face-to-face meetings there is no benefit to being part of the group and you will likely not be "Added" or kept in this Social Group list . This SBCK group area is not intended to replace the main forum. Use the regular Forum area for all posts. Use the SBCK group area as a means of locating other SBCK members to send PMs etc. Continue to use the latest monthly "Meeting Invite" Forum thread as a place to post to the SBCK members that are also "ChameleonForums" members. There are still a few SBCK members that are not yet Forum members but continue to receive their notices via the [email protected] emails. It also appears, for the moment, that Junior Member status on the ChameleonForums does not yet have enough "Permission Level" to join a Social Group.
I will be there again. This time for sure. I'm healthy. lol :D
Everyone bring a cham! I'll bring Starburst.
Veiled month sounds like my kind of meeting. :) I'd fly out and bring my sweet little man Luie if I could find an airlines that would allow him. It's been a few years since I've been out west to one of the SBCK meetings. It looks like there's allot of new members since I got to attend. You guys have fun and take lots of pictures to post.
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Veiled month sounds like my kind of meeting. :) I'd fly out and bring my sweet little man, Luie if I could find and airlines that would allow him. It's been a few years since I've been out west to one of the SBCK meetings. It looks like there's allot on new members since I got to attend. You guys have fun and take lots of pictures to post.

You know, Jan, if you just put a cap and fake mustache on him they'll never know. Just keep him quiet and don't let him get in to the complimentary wine...
Yesterday was Namaquensis fail. I figured we'd have a better turn out if we had a Veiled day...

Haha! Ill try and bring Khan but he is a pissy guy and hes huge! I drew blood earlier this week from a bite from him, maybe I shouldnt bring him lol But he is impressive in person....
Haha! Ill try and bring Khan but he is a pissy guy and hes huge! I drew blood earlier this week from a bite from him, maybe I shouldnt bring him lol But he is impressive in person....

I bet we'd love to see him! But maybe we will just have to see him from a respectable distance...There will be plenty of feeders to bribe him with!
He hates the sight of anyone and theres no way in hell he would ever let you actually see him eat! One of the joys of owning a veiled I guess:rolleyes:
It's been awhile, i'll try to come to this one:)

Always nice to see new and familiar faces and catch up face to face
Haha! Ill try and bring Khan but he is a pissy guy and hes huge! I drew blood earlier this week from a bite from him, maybe I shouldnt bring him lol But he is impressive in person....

bring him! haha i would love to see as many veileds as possible! :D yeah im thinking about taking a female but she seems to hate me haha
well i got a better excuse for this meeting . . . . . :p cant go cause its my BIRTHDAY!!!:D im gunna be out saturday shopping for stuff for my chams:D
I found a escapee this morning. Maybe I'll bring this one to the meeting. Had been missing for around four days, and was a little hungry, when placed in front of food.
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