my veiled laid 33 good eggs today these eggs are all about the same size (big)
but she still has those lumps and a big stomach . i think she has more eggs in her. is it possible that she got more eggs in her to lay another time ?
They should lay all the eggs from that clutch at once. The "eggs" that will form the next batch would not be noticible. A vet could take an xray and tell you if she has retained eggs.
now shes been very darkgreen/blackish and looking very ill sunken eyes her skin gets dark and dry looking then when i spray her she greens up to a lighter shade of green for about 15-30mn then gets dark again.
it don't make sense she retained her clutch i been watching her for at least 2 months and i had a container in her cage for that whole time ,she just started to dig last week,last thursday , then thursday night i put her in the egg chamber and she dug but laid nothing,same thing the next day ,theni put her back in her cage until friday afternoon then i left her in the eggchamber all night friday then saturday i dug up 33 eggs the strange thing was that these 33 eggs had a almost root-like stuff on them i never seen that on the other ones.
i am calling the vet tommorow for a appointment .
i should take both of them at the same time and find out whats going on.
maybe those 33 eggs i dug up were from the summer.