New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, Male, 1.8years, 1.3 years
Handling - Once every two weeks or so. hand feeding daily
Feeding - Supers, Dubia. 1-2 daily, various fruit/potato/gutload
Supplements - the usual 3 on the correct schedule.
Watering - Mistking. 5x daily 1 min after lights on, 10am 3 min, noon 5 min, 3pm 3 min, 7pm 1 min, lights off at 9
Fecal Description - normal, normal urate
History -never a problem until now
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 2x2x5 home built screen
Lighting - reptiglo 10.0, 2 60watt incandescent, grow light
Temperature - Its cool in the house now but 78 at bask, 70 at base
Humidity - 35% now, 80% when the misters are running.
Plants - Hibiscus, Umbrella
Placement - In my bedroom, which I do not live in... base of cage, 2 ft off grnd. top is at 7ft. no vents or fans running. window 3 feet away.
Location - Ohio, which right now is tundra...
Current Problem -
1.He seems to be blinded in one eye and it is very bloodshot/red colored.
2.He doesnt seem to have as strong of a grip as usual and is not eating on his own. I pretty much drop it in his mouth.
Your Chameleon - Veiled, Male, 1.8years, 1.3 years
Handling - Once every two weeks or so. hand feeding daily
Feeding - Supers, Dubia. 1-2 daily, various fruit/potato/gutload
Supplements - the usual 3 on the correct schedule.
Watering - Mistking. 5x daily 1 min after lights on, 10am 3 min, noon 5 min, 3pm 3 min, 7pm 1 min, lights off at 9
Fecal Description - normal, normal urate
History -never a problem until now
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 2x2x5 home built screen
Lighting - reptiglo 10.0, 2 60watt incandescent, grow light
Temperature - Its cool in the house now but 78 at bask, 70 at base
Humidity - 35% now, 80% when the misters are running.
Plants - Hibiscus, Umbrella
Placement - In my bedroom, which I do not live in... base of cage, 2 ft off grnd. top is at 7ft. no vents or fans running. window 3 feet away.
Location - Ohio, which right now is tundra...
Current Problem -
1.He seems to be blinded in one eye and it is very bloodshot/red colored.
2.He doesnt seem to have as strong of a grip as usual and is not eating on his own. I pretty much drop it in his mouth.