things you wish you knew for your first chameleon


New Member
okay here it goes, my brother came home with a chameleon a couple days ago and he is not exactly aware of the care that these animals require. I had a veiled for about a year before I moved to school and had to give him away before I left and I have taken it upon myself to ensure this little guys survival. The difference here is he brought home a wiedersheimi which I beleive to be of the perreti subspecies. Right now I have in a screen enclosure with many fake vines, both branches and leaved, I mist him with luke warm spring water at least twice a day and the habba mister (more like jet sprayer) sprays hourly for 12 hours for 60 secs. and collects in a dish which I have been cleaning out every other day. He has eaten butter worms, but not crickets. Ive been struggling to keep the humidity above 35% so this weekend I will try to find a humidifier that I can modify so the outlet goes inside the enclosure. The temp stays pretty constant at 75, but I would like to get to the high 60's at night...any ideas?

I guess the point of my post is for everyone to share something they would have like to have known before they took the plunge.
thanks, Collin
I did most of my research before I got my brev...but I would have LOVED to have know that the "male" was a female! (Actually, after reading Roo's article, I looked at her while she was still at the store and guessed it was a female...but the guy said that he doesn't order females from the breeder, it was surely a male....:rolleyes: )
I did most of my research before I got my brev...but I would have LOVED to have know that the "male" was a female! (Actually, after reading Roo's article, I looked at her while she was still at the store and guessed it was a female...but the guy said that he doesn't order females from the breeder, it was surely a male....:rolleyes: )

stores bug me sometimes! I was at superpet ... and they had a cage as the ideal cami cage ... it was a plastic cage. Well looks like glass but plastic ... not exactly what it would think as perfect for them ... acceptable perhaps ideal NOT!
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