Chameleon Enthusiast
We made a few pictures inside this evening. These little guys are hilarious. Evertime they see us they stand up on their hind legs begging to come out of the baby bins. This weekend I'm planning to start putting a few of the larger babies in a small cage and spreading out the others in the 5 bins. They sure do get rowdy playing and I don't want any tail nipping if I can help it.
The baby bins
Begging to get out
Finally a way out of here
Pretty yellow baby
My smallest baby is shedding (guess that means she's growing)
I'll put the lip lock on you!
You can't see me
The baby bins

Begging to get out

Finally a way out of here

Pretty yellow baby

My smallest baby is shedding (guess that means she's growing)

I'll put the lip lock on you!

You can't see me