New Member
heres a picture...
how normal is this, and how severe, i know theres a couple different
causes for this.
i am almost certain it was shed problems,.. a lil bit had fell off a little
before, but it is seem to be spreading and blood flow is getting slower
it seems like in the tail. How far will this continue to spread.. or shall
i take him to the vet to be snipped off, and how much does that cost
on average
heres a picture...
how normal is this, and how severe, i know theres a couple different
causes for this.
i am almost certain it was shed problems,.. a lil bit had fell off a little
before, but it is seem to be spreading and blood flow is getting slower
it seems like in the tail. How far will this continue to spread.. or shall
i take him to the vet to be snipped off, and how much does that cost
on average