Small Casque on Veiled?


New Member
Hey, my adult male veiled has a small casque compared to most of the pictures i've seen here. I know there are 2 types of veileds, 1 that is sunburst and one that isnt. But is a small casque a bad thing? Does it symbolize something?
A Veiled is a Veiled is a Veiled. They are from Yemen. :)

I thought there were different kinds. Mine is not sunburst at all and only has stripes. And has a smaller casque and is smaller than the ones i have seen on the internet. I will try and get a pic
oh i get it. i was going to get a veiled and when i did all my research i saw those two and i thought they were both from yemen just different kinds
im pretty sure there's only one type of veiled. sunburst is just a designer name given to veileds with a certain coloration

but anyway, DChalo you should post a pic of your cham.
Here is a picture of him while he's sleeping

Im pretty sure its not female Prettyinink


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Here is another pic, unfortunately its very similar from my first because i didnt wanna wake my cham

oh, the pic didnt attach
that casque kind of makes me nervous. how is his supplementing and lighting? has he been in your care for long?
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