R. acuminatus


New Member
this is my male of R. acuminatus, I have also the female but is very shy!
they have 6-8 months and are wc.
day temperatures:19-20
night temeperatures : 13-14

they stay in a cage of 55x35x35h cm with 1 pothos and 2 chamaedora elegans.
They definitely are an interesting species! I have a few eggs cooking right now and should be hatchingin the beginning of next year!
Are you sure to go so low at night? i've hearded different opinions about that..

Andre sei sicuro di voler scendere così in basso con le temperature? Monocromo mi aveva consigliato di non scendere sotto i 17.. o almeno lui li teneva così!!! infatti per questo motivo avevo deciso di non tenerli in cantina con gli altri cama..
@jack: provo a sentire ciro, so che vengono da alte altitudini quindi la notte anche 10 gradi, ti faccio sapere comunque
@Jack, I keep them also that low, sometimes lower temperatures during winter rest period. And my oldest adult imported couple that I have is from the summer of 2007. So I think it will be fine. ;)
When they get out of te cold period, they are like rabbits...if you know what I mean.
And when you don't cool down, they are mating but very slowly.

Best regards,
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