question about veiled and jacksons


New Member
I was wondering if anyone can fill me in on the head fin of the veided cham. I know its not a fin but wasent sure on how to spell "casque" or what not but aside from that I was wondering if that "fin" is. how should i put this, is it filled with flesh or more of a cartilidge type sort of like our ears? or more of a boney substance, can it become deflated or broken?

As far as jacksons go, do thier horns shed like certain deer horns do or do they ever stop growing at a certain age or length? Is there any certain type of diet or supplements for jacksons to help thier horns grow stronger or become less fragile?
another side fact, supposedly the casque on veiled chameleons evolved or formed over time to collect dew drops, that will then roll down the casque, in between the eyes, and onto or into the mouth
I love all the different 'crowns' on different species.
pertaining to Nerd's post - i read that Parson's chameleons crown evolved so that it will collect moisture and direct it into their mouths. looks like it to me.
makes me think that maybe the level of humidity of the specie's locale made a difference in the evolution of their skulls. Maybe Jacksons were in a wet area so they had no need for a water collection apparatus, so they grew horns as defense mechanisms instead... friggin chameleons...:D


  • 07042415CD_chameleon.jpg
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This should answer your questions Sledge! :)

This is one of the most striking chameleon species, with almost impossibly bold coloration and a casque atop the head that can reach 10 centimeters in height. Various theories have been put forth for the function of the casque: a device to aid in collecting water; a device to facilitate heat dissipation; or, most recently, a device to amplify a low-frequency 'buzzing' used for intraspecific communication


I knew I could count on you Joe, but tell me is that an actual skeleton or a scale model of some type?
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