Question about pygmy's


Avid Member
I know your not supposed to keep chams in same cage but, I have heard of many keeping pygmys in same cage? Anyone know if they too need to be isolated? I was thinking of getting 2 but didnt know if seperate habbitats were needed?
I dont know about keeping multiple pygs in the same cage. I think reptayls mentioned that he was breeding or had breed some, maybe he can offer some advice. I have always wanted to try some of the smaller species.
I don't know much about the smaller guys but I was talking to someone that said in the wild Dwarf chams live in small colonies as well as with other kinds of leaf chams. Are pygmy the same as a dwarf or leaf chams?
I hope I can, would be neat to see little guys! I am getting something else too, besides panther. Maybe even a melleri
Brad said:
I dont know about keeping multiple pygs in the same cage. I think reptayls mentioned that he was breeding or had breed some, maybe he can offer some advice. I have always wanted to try some of the smaller species.

Hi Brad,
Yes we have bred the pygmy chams over the years (and I am a she, BTW). They can be kept in small colonies, yes. The larger the habitat, the larger the colony. For the most part, if you have a 30gal or smaller (hopefully the tall style), you should stick with 1.3 as the max you keep together.

Plant it well and have lots of sticks and leaf litter. These little guys are very active and love to travel around in their habitats.

If you need other info on pygmies - just ask. :)

Reptayls, Ltd.
Do I have to have more than 2? If you have one is that bad? I have 20 gallon setup and was thinking of putting few in there. Do you sell pygmys?
Yes we have bred the pygmy chams over the years (and I am a she, BTW).
:eek: Sorry about that, I should have paid more attention to the name in your signature.
ChamFreak said:
Do I have to have more than 2? If you have one is that bad? I have 20 gallon setup and was thinking of putting few in there. Do you sell pygmys?

No... in a 20 gal you can put 2 - just make sure it is not 2 males.
Currently, we are sold out of pygmies... sorry.

Reptayls, Ltd.
thanks! You are very helpfull! I read panther care sheet and very good knowlege in there! Great format, Also I will be getting some supplies from ya this week end :)
never.. I have meduim sized " fresh air habbitat "

Sorry you got confused on my post but, I got answered what I needed :)
thx lady! I am glad to see that you are using multiple forums and spreading the good word! I saw you say something about this site and I am so glad, I hope the many forums out there co-exist. I think I am gonna start coloney my self and thank you for helping. Also reptayls is very knowlegable and I find trust worthy. Thanks again.
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