Over Feeding?


New Member
I have a 3-4 month old Male Veiled Cham and i cup feed him....well so far today he has eaten 16 dusted crickets and he has 1 more crick in the cup and i usually always have the cup in the cage for em and he just goes down to eat when he wants and i am wondering if i should add more today in case he wants to go eat more or if i should cut him off...i usually always have a steady supply of cricks and he has been eating 8-13 by bed time....but thats a good 3 hours away and the bugger has eaten 16 so far..
Babies should have plenty to eat but then there is overkill. Depending on its size and the size of crickets its hard to tell if you would be over feeding or not. I started to follow a fellow members method quite a while ago and its worked very well. She has been breeding and keeping them for years:) Ill feed youngsters as much as they will eat in 5 or so minutes and then leave a few extras in the cage for them to snag later on.

Glad to see another member from WV. What area are you from if you dont mind me asking? Im near New Martinsville.
Im from over here in the Huntington area...40ish min from Charleston...my cricks are the small crickets but well they are large enough....the little bugger suddenly decided to go on a food orgy and just went down to the cup and munched them all up...and then he of course expects a refill....and of course he gets one
I give my 4 month old veileds about 10 larger crickets in the morning. Then I check about noon. Some days they will have a couple left. If they don't then I give them a couple more. But I try not to fed after 4pm because they need time to digest their food before lights out. The 2 month old panthers get about 40 1/4" crickets, and then if empty I refill at noon too. I try to keep food available to them a little later because I figure they are smaller and will digest faster.
Sometimes I wonder where they put it all. Ozzie has eaten 30 plus small crickets and about 7 tiny mealies and 2 house flies in one entire day. I was told to let him eat as much as he wants so now I feel like I am over feeding him:confused:
I wish I was having this problem. My 3 month old panther will only eat 7 small crickets a day:(
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