Ok here is my issue I have decided to breed crickets I need advice!!


New Member
TIA. Please tell me whet to do? I have the large huge rubbermaid tub, lots of egg crates, fresh oranges for stink control no organic soil YET didn’t know I needed to do that part but will be an easy fix (organic no pesticides etc) I have plenty of screen left over from new guys cage. I am about to abandon this entire operation I have included the set up pic minus laying bin. I currently have over 250 adult crickets :eek: but have since transferred many into the 3 large cricket keepers I have (tonight) please offer any great advice. :(


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What is it you are asking? Crickets will still stink no matter what you do. They are nasty bugs. Just try to keep the container clean. That helps some.
What is it you are asking? Crickets will still stink no matter what you do. They are nasty bugs. Just try to keep the container clean. That helps some.

It has nothing to do with stinking. I would like to know if I am doing everything correctly to produce my own supply.
I think you will be better off keeping the babies separate. Do you have netflix? There is an old dirty jobs where mike goes to a cricket farm and it's lime a tutorial on how to breed crickets, very informative. Here is a brief version: put small tubs of damp dirt in with adult crickets. Take tubs out after time (depends on how many adult crickets are in there) incubate them until they hatch at about 90 degrees (I think), once they hatch, raise them like normal crickets.

You can also do a google search for more info, there are a lot of guides.
good luck, but breeding crickets involves A LOT of work and MULTIPLE bins.....totally not worth it on a small scale, breed dubia...
How could you ever even keep that thing clean? I agree, not worth the effort and maintenance to do. JMO Crickets are cheap!!! Good luck though!
How could you ever even keep that thing clean? I agree, not worth the effort and maintenance to do. JMO Crickets are cheap!!! Good luck though!

I am cleaning it daily which is not easy. I just thought I would give it a go if it doesn’t work then it doesn’t work. Yes they are cheap to buy but when I am ordering like crazy and having them shipped that can be costly as well. I refuse to buy the crappy feeders that are offered by the local pet shop for 15 cents per cricket! Thanks everyone that replied I just placed the screened bins of organic dirt into the cricket bin.
good luck, but breeding crickets involves A LOT of work and MULTIPLE bins.....totally not worth it on a small scale, breed dubia...

Prefer not to do those critters at all. I did order some though for my new Ambanja. they are so huge they look scary I ran to find my latex gloves to grab a couple! I am no roach fan at all had a bad experience as a kid! I stayed the night at a friends house that had roaches of course being 7 didn’t even know what roaches were. Well I found out because I woke up in the middle of the night with one inside my nostril ughhhhhhhh:eek: gives me the creeps just thinking about it. I am not afraid or grossed out by anything else except roaches.;)
I think you will be better off keeping the babies separate. Do you have netflix? There is an old dirty jobs where mike goes to a cricket farm and it's lime a tutorial on how to breed crickets, very informative. Here is a brief version: put small tubs of damp dirt in with adult crickets. Take tubs out after time (depends on how many adult crickets are in there) incubate them until they hatch at about 90 degrees (I think), once they hatch, raise them like normal crickets.

You can also do a google search for more info, there are a lot of guides.

Thanks for the info I am going to try and find the show on their site, and I have googled to death trust me ( I am more a visual learner with things of this nature). So most likely this is the way for me to go. I am planning (after getting set up with Marty’s mist king system for the 4 chams I already have. Plan on adding a couple more to the cham family. So it will be more beneficial for me to try to breed my own crickets.
I was totally the same with the roaches....i knew they were a better feeder, buuuuuut they are roaches :eek: it took awhile but i am over it and am soooo much more pleased with roaches than crix...

Crickets always seemed to have random die-offs, escapes and turning in soup randomly....so glad i broke my cricket addiction!

again good luck with the breeding!
I was totally the same with the roaches....i knew they were a better feeder, buuuuuut they are roaches :eek: it took awhile but i am over it and am soooo much more pleased with roaches than crix...

Crickets always seemed to have random die-offs, escapes and turning in soup randomly....so glad i broke my cricket addiction!

again good luck with the breeding!

Thanks for the much needed encouragement I really appreciate it. I am going to try this once, and once only if it just turns out to suck then the hey with it. It is a crap load of work for sure. The roaches are being well taken care of but are out in my garage. I don’t at all forget they are there because I have to gutload them as well. shiverrrrrriiiiiingggggggg oooooooooo.:rolleyes:
if you go to you tube and type in"breeding crickets" you will find tons of videos from easy set ups to way complicated ones..i tried it once and got nothing lol..i kept my dirt too moist and too cold..,y husband and son laughed at me and said i was a great dirt farmer lol..i have to giggle too cause i misted that dirt daily for over two weeks hahaha..the ratio is 10 females 5 males kept together in the bin for 1 wk then remove them and start looking after your dirt lol(this is the general info i recieved on you tube) i think its like 180 babies per female(dont quote me on this one) put in small toilet paper rolls standing upright so that hatchlings can cling to them and a popsicle stick wraped in paper towel so the newbies can get their h2o that way and do the same for the dry gutload and wet gutload(so they can climb in and out..i had 3 bins,1 for the dirt and newbies to hatch in(start process all over again),1 for when they were older(1 wk) and 1 for when they were(2-3wks) hope this helps..dont keep the soil really wet and dont keep the soil cold..or you will end up a poor dirt farmer like me with your fam and friends laughin atcha:D..ps..most fem crix are already pregnant when purchased from the pet store..to tell fem and males apart:females have a little black tube at their rear end(between the" V ") called an "ovipositor" and males do not:)
if you go to you tube and type in"breeding crickets" you will find tons of videos from easy set ups to way complicated ones..i tried it once and got nothing lol..i kept my dirt too moist and too cold..,y husband and son laughed at me and said i was a great dirt farmer lol..i have to giggle too cause i misted that dirt daily for over two weeks hahaha..the ratio is 10 females 5 males kept together in the bin for 1 wk then remove them and start looking after your dirt lol(this is the general info i recieved on you tube) i think its like 180 babies per female(dont quote me on this one) put in small toilet paper rolls standing upright so that hatchlings can cling to them and a popsicle stick wraped in paper towel so the newbies can get their h2o that way and do the same for the dry gutload and wet gutload(so they can climb in and out..i had 3 bins,1 for the dirt and newbies to hatch in(start process all over again),1 for when they were older(1 wk) and 1 for when they were(2-3wks) hope this helps..dont keep the soil really wet and dont keep the soil cold..or you will end up a poor dirt farmer like me with your fam and friends laughin atcha:D..ps..most fem crix are already pregnant when purchased from the pet store..to tell fem and males apart:females have a little black tube at their rear end(between the" V ") called an "ovipositor" and males do not:)

That is to bad, but had to laugh:D We compost, our baby also wears the G diapers! and basically make our own dirt. Also have a red wiggler worm farm, veggie garden, flowers, Mantids, butterfly nests, you name it we do it lol so Dh thought I should try at least. My husband has always been very supportive, I alway’s give 1,000% with anything that I do and have many talents. I am gonna try as I said. I just bought like a million Glade gel stink absorbers and stuck them in one of the guests bedrooms that for some reason is alway’s warmer then the rest of the bedrooms:confused: so hopefully I will not soon have my house infested with people and need to move the crickets someplace else. Wonder what someone would say besides what the hell is that funky smell with a touch of orange LMAO ha ha ha OMG!:D:eek::rolleyes:
I hate crickets, I'm a poor cricket keeper. I buy them to die.. I smirk when it looks like they enjoy gutload.. crickety creeking crickets
i absoluetly hate them too,i still freak out when one gets away and i have to catch it:eek: im fine with the 2 wk old ones as they are cute:eek: but other than that im squeemish when it comes to them:p,mine dont seem to smell,i always have fresh oranges added in their gutload and use an(unscented) crystal like cat litter for the bottom(it helps with the odor)and i remove the dead ones asap;) i keep them a little on the cool side too and change out the egg cartons often..maybe all of this helps im guessing but its workin for me lol ps kansascity you are funny lol glad i made ya laugh lol
i absoluetly hate them too,i still freak out when one gets away and i have to catch it:eek: im fine with the 2 wk old ones as they are cute:eek: but other than that im squeemish when it comes to them:p,mine dont seem to smell,i always have fresh oranges added in their gutload and use an(unscented) crystal like cat litter for the bottom(it helps with the odor)and i remove the dead ones asap;) i keep them a little on the cool side too and change out the egg cartons often..maybe all of this helps im guessing but its workin for me lol ps kansascity you are funny lol glad i made ya laugh lol

You really did, and on a gloomy day like this and no other adults around I needed the laugh :)
keep them dry with plenty of ventilation. I like using open plastic bins with no lids. They dont smell then even if you have a 1000
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