Hermie is starting to worry me with his new behavior, and I'm wondering if anyone has any comments on it. He has been doing great lately ... gaining weight slowly (a gram or so a week), he has eaten well, including today (at least 3 crickets for breakfast and I gave him three wax worms as a treat, and then 1 cc of his banana/oatmeal babyfood at lunch). But all of a sudden he is hiding under his log ... I mean he literally had to crawl and shimmy to get under this thing. I pulled him out once, and he went back under there. He is shedding right now, so maybe it's more humid under there and he's trying to help the shedding process (he started shedding yesterday morning)? I just resprayed down his cage incase, but he just went back under there. He's still a nice bright green, so his coloring isn't telling me that he's stressed, but this doesn't seem like normal chameleon behavior....