New Member
My name's Jen. I had been considering getting a chameleon for years, but after a big breakup and getting used to living on my own I decided it was finally time for the little man I always wanted in my life. My little Kaiju is a veiled chameleon, and he's only a couple months old. I purchased him from a small local shop that specializes in captive-bred reptiles, and I did all I cound to make him the perfect setup. I'm still working on tweaking a few things - my townhouse has horrible insulation, for instance, so I had to keep a space heater on in his room all the time in addition to the basking lamp until just the last couple weeks - but he seems content and I adore him. I'm really much too overprotective, so I wanted to find a community to discuss anything I might be freaking out or worrying about. I'll be harassing you all mercilessly with questions soon enough!