New Member
When i first got my Cham from the store 6months ago, he ate the min i got him home and was averaging at least 6-7 locust a day, then i had a major issue with my lighting around a month later, my bulb had blown and i coudnt get a replacement for at least 3 days, once my replacement was in ive never felt like my cham has fed the same and i feel its getting worse, he went from firing at anything anywhere, off my hand, in his viv, even off the bed, now he looks at the food and walks away and fails to eat anything, ive resorted to leaving a couple of locust in his viv from morning to afternoon and when i return there usually always still there, i really dont feel like he's eating enough and he does seem to have lost weight since he's been in my care, was wondering weather anyone feels im doing something wrong, im on the case of buying a reptisun and also a mister but otherwise for now im stuck with my uvb/uva 160w buld and im hand misting at least 4 times a day, i have filled in the info on helping undertsand my cham if anyone would like me to copy and paste it ?