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This weekend at the NARBC show in Anaheim I acquired two melleri. Both are WC . One is a bit beat up compared to the other. Sam is an adult and Alex is a juvenile. We went with ambiguous names as is our tradition since we don't know the sex of them.
I don't have many pics of Alex yet... but keep in mind these guys are pretty new to the country and obviously new to me. I hope to turn them around and get them into great shape.
Right out of a 20-30 minute shower, he was drinking like a fish and then stopped and was just sitting on the perch in the shower... so I moved him outside...
Tonight after I got home from work and was checking in.
Sam was gaping at me every now and then... so I tossed a couple of worms in his mouth. He couldn't manage to keep the silkworm in his mouth, he kept dropping it.
I think Melleri feet are neat... real long and lanky, huge claws.... and do they leave a mark! and yes, that vine is too small for his feet...
I added some soaker hose that Elisa (Chamelisa) gave me. So he has something big and thick to roost on. While I was moving vines around I took him out and placed him on the door of the cage. He seemed happy to finally be on something as long as his body so he could stretch out.
the camera angle is weird... but i was getting 9" STV and his tail was 11"
So since Sam pooped on the way home from the show I was able to take the sample to Dave Weldon's house to get a look at what kind of parasites we might have to deal with. This is what we found...
This is a video of some swimmers from the smear.
And here is an egg from a float. Dave is moving the focal plane so you can see the different depths of the egg in focus.
After I got home from Dave's I found this on the floor of Sam's cage... looks like he threw up... which isn't a good sign.. but might not be a bid deal... Lenny did this to me when she was still kinda new and she is doing great.
I don't have many pics of Alex yet... but keep in mind these guys are pretty new to the country and obviously new to me. I hope to turn them around and get them into great shape.
Right out of a 20-30 minute shower, he was drinking like a fish and then stopped and was just sitting on the perch in the shower... so I moved him outside...
Tonight after I got home from work and was checking in.
Sam was gaping at me every now and then... so I tossed a couple of worms in his mouth. He couldn't manage to keep the silkworm in his mouth, he kept dropping it.
I think Melleri feet are neat... real long and lanky, huge claws.... and do they leave a mark! and yes, that vine is too small for his feet...
I added some soaker hose that Elisa (Chamelisa) gave me. So he has something big and thick to roost on. While I was moving vines around I took him out and placed him on the door of the cage. He seemed happy to finally be on something as long as his body so he could stretch out.
the camera angle is weird... but i was getting 9" STV and his tail was 11"
So since Sam pooped on the way home from the show I was able to take the sample to Dave Weldon's house to get a look at what kind of parasites we might have to deal with. This is what we found...
This is a video of some swimmers from the smear.
And here is an egg from a float. Dave is moving the focal plane so you can see the different depths of the egg in focus.
After I got home from Dave's I found this on the floor of Sam's cage... looks like he threw up... which isn't a good sign.. but might not be a bid deal... Lenny did this to me when she was still kinda new and she is doing great.