My jackson loves me more than his cage

Harland Williams

New Member
I know I shouldn't be handling him yet but I was able to get him to let me give him some water with an eye dropper and he seemed to like it.Later on I figure wth why not give him a choice and see if he will let me hold him and he did.I was really shocked to because he has been pretty dark ever since I got him yesterday but after about a min. or 2 on my hand he turned bright green.I was really happy to see him turn green but as soon as I put him back in the cage he goes dark again :( he still needs to get used to the cage.I give him a few more days and he will start to brighten up.I have decided to name him Moe (like Moe from the simpsons).Here are some picks I was able to take sorry if there a little blurry I have a cheap camera. SUNP0031.jpg

that makes me wonder it he is too cold or not. i have a little bit of a hard time getin camie back in her cage when she feels cool to the touch while resting on my hand, usually she's pretty receptive when she sees the surroundings in her cage and will climb back in. ive also seen her darken one side of her body to absorb light (heat) and that may be why he darkens up after he's left the body heat of your hand, that might be whats going on
hmmm I'm not sure but hes sleeping in his cage at the moment and hes really bright now.I would take a pic but my room is to dark right now for my camera.
LOL :D I got him from a pet supermarket in Lakeland not to far from where I live.They had just got him in and they still had him in the shipping container when I got there.He brightened up when she let him out to show me,he must have been happy to get out of that hot thing.I knew right then he was coming home with me,my little Moe Jackson :)
nice looking animal, all though it was hard to tell that much from the pics, so we will be looking forward to better pics. he may seem receptive, but still probably better to not handle any more than neccessary until he is fully acclimated. do you know if he is wc or cb? did you happen to notice the name of the supplier non the shipping container? jmo
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