Mist nozzle blocked in 2 days!?!


So I got myself a exp terra monsoon misting system and have been running it for 2 days now and already one of the nozzles has become blocked? Is this normal? How can I unblock it?

In the mean one I will use one of the spare ones they give you
2 days seems awfully fast.....are you running RO water through it?

Tap water will clog it, but 2 days seems really fast still

it is tap water, but with reptisafe in. the system also contains 2 filters. i knew they would clog eventually but no were near this fast!!!
it is tap water, but with reptisafe in. the system also contains 2 filters. i knew they would clog eventually but no were near this fast!!!

Reptisafe only aids in the removal of chlorines/etc as far as I know and will have no effect on minerals/deposits in tap water that contribute to the clogging. The mineral content of your tap will vary depending on where you live.

Not sure what types of filters you have on there, but you really should use RO water in your misting system.
I am buying an RO system soon, but if you cant afford one or dont want one distilled water is a good alternative
I have a mistking and run tap water through mine.. It does clog the nozzles, but i only have to clean them out every 6 months or so. I'm not sure if yours are the same, but at the end there is a little nut (nozzle tip) take a wrench to that and take it off. In the mistkings their is a screen inside that. I run that in hot water and scrape it out really quick and rinse again. bran new after. Hope this helps!
Also, soaking in white vinegar seems to help dissolve clogs. Soak and rise and they usually go back to good as new.
Maybe follow the Coke up with vinegar...

Whether your tap water is okay to use really depends on where you live. Some places have great tap water, other places don't.
I buy bulk nozzles for this very reason, some nozzles never really work well from the get go. Some will have a lousy spray pattern, some will clog up quickly like you say. Most work fine with regular tap water for many months. The hole in the plastic is very delicate, so you can't really stick anything in there without messing up the spray pattern. Never had good luck with soaking, boiling in vinegar etc. You should see my misting nozzle junk drawer grave yard :D
I usually buy the red ones 50 at a time
If the nozzle isn't working after only two days, I think its highly likely some debris has got into the line. If the nozzle can be opened, open it up, and see whats in it. If its clear, and it is cal buildup, I soak them in white vinegar. I highly doubt that is the issue though.
Yea..I would have to say you may have some debris left in your reservoir..possibly from the manufacturing process of your unit!!
Garret...I have the same "cloud tops" type system...when my nozzles become clogged, I've been using compressed air to clear-out the clog...
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