Mealworms vs. Superworms for Baby Veiled


New Member
Which is better for the two? Just wondering. And Im talking about baby/small superworms.

Are impaction a problem for chameleons?

Just wondering. THANKS!
Can a 3" Veiled eat baby supers already? Or is it somethin to avoid still? Small superworms, I mean small as in small. Smaller or as big as mealworms.
Small gutloaded superworms if anything. I wouldnt go with mealworms. Feed him something else if you have too.
I would try silkworms, they're better than superworms or mealworms. They're softer too.
Does that breeder sell eggs? You can buy those in bulk and just hatch when needed.

Just make sure you vary the diet. Crickets are great too.
They can. It's just that mealworms are one of the worst (nutritionally) feeders. People get a bit over-zealous when it comes to feeding them to their animals. They are fine, if appropriately sized, and not a main part of their diet. Everything is usually fine in moderation. Really, a diet with mealworms is probably better than one without - variety, nutritional variety.

When they're very small, however, veileds often dislike really crunchy things - so make sure they're not big at all.

My little guys, about 2-3" snout to vent, are eating medium sized superworms now. They coudl easily down a full grown mealworm.
A lot of Veileds that I've seen that were fed on a diet consisting mostly of mealworms end up malnourished or with MDB or both when they get older.
Of course - they're terrible by themselves. Also, a keeper lazy/ingnorant enough to JUST feed mealworms is most likely not including many other things in the chameleon's diet!
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