Male Veiled Chameleon Very Sick


New Member
First time using the forum so bear with me . Ive had this guy for 7 yrs now. Hes been through alot and i know that his time is coming close to an end but i dont want to put him down unless he is at a point of no return. I will begin by saying he has two bumps under his skin. one up between his eyes, and the other under his right forearm on his side. im thinking they could be a parasite of some sort not sure. secondly he will from time to time have what look like seizures. this will happen randomly and only last for a few seconds. and third which i am very worried about, he has what looks to be his male "member" not sure if im allowed to use the word P**** but anyways, it is sticking out and looks to be drying up. he just seems to be falling apart in front of my eyes and its breaking my heart. his appetite is not normal. his eyes are NOT sunken in. his color is still bright. i regularly changed his uva/uvb bulb every 3-4 months. he has running water, plenty of branches. his grip is still very strong so i hope he still has some fight left in him but i am military and money is scarce. so a doctor visit is probably not in the books for fim. i know i should but he is within his life expectancy. ANYONE EVER HAD THIS HAPPEN OR COULD GIVE ME INFO WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.
Sorry to hear that. I can't help you, since I'm still new to keeping a cham. But you should be proud that you gave him a good life. 7 years is not bad. Lets just hope he isn't in too much pain. I would just keep trying to make him as comfortable as possible.
well, thank you for the support. i know hes had a good life but im gonna have a hard time watching him go and not knowing wether he is in pain or not. thats why i have considered puting him down
hemi-penal prolapse? no need to even ask about husbandries for troubleshooting, i have the utmost respect for 7+ years of care, that is most impressive. i am by no means an expert, however i do not think you are at fault for anything, perhaps its just his time to go on to silkworm heaven. regardless, you are a hero in my mind for the (obvious) exceptional care for the fella.
yes what you described was a hemi penal prolapse like cammieNleno said my male of 2 yrs died from that , i watched him slowly die befor i could even get him to the vet, he was stwitching like you said and then all of a sudden he stops and looks great and then he just went into a coma pretty much so i made the decison to put him in the fridge and put him to sleep cause i knew he was suffering , but here is something that might help befor you get to the vet try dabing his buttox with sugar and warm water to try and take the swelling down and then apply cortizone cream to make it moist and then when you get to the vet they will push it back in and give him a stich if your willing to take him to the vet
thank you for that. i will try the sugar and warm water and cotizone. i just want him to be comfortable. again thank you!
You have done well to keep him to the ripe old age of 7. It sounds like he has had a good life with you.

The bumps could be infection....but you need a vet to tell you for sure. Perhaps you could talk to a vet about paying in installments?

You said..."he will from time to time have what look like seizures"...could be a number of reasons for this. I'm not a vet so I'm not going to guess at it.

You said..."he has what looks to be his male "member" not sure if im allowed to use the word P**** but anyways, it is sticking out and looks to be drying up"'s a site about hemipene prolapses...but if/since its already drying up I'm expecting that it needs to be amputated....

You said..."he just seems to be falling apart in front of my eyes and its breaking my heart"...I've been through that so many'd think you would get used to it, but you don't. Old age is one thing, but when life reaches a point where there is pain and nothing/little good left to it, it might be kinder to have him put down to stop the suffering.
mtxburton sorry i forgot to telll you that the water and sugar is just to bring down the swelling for a short period of time befor you can get to a vet its not a permenent solution to help your cham he will need to see a vet ASAP!
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