for some reason after feeding my 2 month old chameleon wax worms on sunday i haven't seen her eat really at all not sure whats going on if she has lost her appetite or whats going on...
I have been told that during this season they slow down in eating. My cham is also on strike against crix. He will not touch em. I hate it cause I have to catch the crix before the lights go out, I try not to leave any in the cage overnight, as a friend of mines cham got an infection from cricket bites on its skin and passed.
I am sure a more experienced member will confirm the drop in appetite during the winter season as being normal.
At that young of an age he should be eating everyday. I don't like the bloated look and the ribs showing. If it were my cham I would take a fresh poop to the vet to have it checked. My vet charged $25.00 for a fecal.