

New Member
I have been reading lately that chameleons don't need as much light as other reptiles. However, my guy's cage is in a darker corner of the room and receives minimal natural light. This is a link to the light I currently am using on my 48x24x24 cage.

I notice that it is referred to at the tropical 25 UVB model. Is the "25" the same as the 5.0 people say to use? If so, I am applying 5x more UVB than I should be.., but I am not sure this is accurate.

I believe this is the other light that I have on the cage:

I think I am going to quit using the coil bulb and just stick with the strip UVB light. If both are okay, or great, please comment. I do know that they need some area to get out of the UVB. I want to add more light to the area, what should I use? I think I would like to a plant light, (for the plant, plus additional lighting) what should I use? Can I also use some sort of black light or any other lighting?

When I add more lights, do I need to provide them room so they can remove themselves from that light as well, or is that just for UVB?

I know there are many points addressed and various questions asked, but I really appreciate all of the help..!

Hey Sam,

A few points to respond....

1) I believe the 25 is equivalent to a 2.0 (or rather "2.5" technically). So you are doing fine, probably a little too low, on the UVB.

2) However, since you have been using 2 UVB bulbs, you are likely ok.

3) In case you are not aware, the UVB bulbs need to be changed every 6 months (they continue to put out light! don't let that fool you into thinking they are putting out uvb)

4) For chameleons, you need UVB and a basking light. Both the lights you linked are UVB bulbs; do you not have a basking bulb? If not, I would suggest considering going to a 5.0 linear bulb and swapping the CFL in your dome for an incandescent bulb (for basking)

5) For plants, 6500K full spectrum is ideal.

6) What do you mean by other lights? I believe chameleons can see the visible spectrum so any light at night will prevent them from sleeping; also plants need a day/night cycle and will (generally) benefit from the night as well
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