Lighting a free range


New Member
I have a 100w Powersun mercury vapor bulb at the top shinging light on one side of the setup. I found my cham on the opposite side of the tree in a tail curled position. His eyes were open when I found him so I don't think he was sleeping but I can't be 100% sure. It's only 3PM and in his cage he usually does not go to his sleeping spot til near lights out (6:30PM).

My room is not particularly bright, though I have opened all my blinds to let in as much light as I can. It's gloomy in LA because it's raining.

My question is should I light up the other side of the tree with maybe just a simple desk lamp just to make sure he does not mistake it to be lights out?
On my free range I use the MV on one side for basking and UVB and a strip light with a reptisun 5.0 on the other side for UVB without the heat. The strip light was $8 at walmart. If all you're using for UVB is the powersun, then he's only receiving UVB during the time he's basking, which usually isn't enough exposure. Those MV bulbs are HOT, and he should be able to get UVB in a cooler location as well.
On my free range I use the MV on one side for basking and UVB and a strip light with a reptisun 5.0 on the other side for UVB without the heat. The strip light was $8 at walmart. If all you're using for UVB is the powersun, then he's only receiving UVB during the time he's basking, which usually isn't enough exposure. Those MV bulbs are HOT, and he should be able to get UVB in a cooler location as well.

He's going to be spending most if his time in his cage which has the standard lighting setup. Free ranging is just a treat for him when I'm home in weekends
It's a really good idea to only use MV lamps when you have a UVB meter to help you set the lamp up properly. I don't encourage anyone to use MV lamps... Especially Zoo Med or Exo Terra.
In my free ranges I use Mega Ray MV lamps. BUT, I also have a Solarmeter 6.2 to measure the amount of UV. If you are going to use MV lamps, please get a Solarmeter 6.2 if you don't already have one. Also, I would recommend the Mega Ray MV lamps over the Powersun.
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