New Member
So I've wanted one for a long while. My fiance surprised me and got me a baby veiled chameleon. I panicked a little because I was really not prepared. I did as much research as I could to prepare a home for him. So, I just wanted everyone's help. I'll make a list of what I think is right, and you tell me if I'm wrong 
- RH 60-75%
- day temp (ambient) 75degrees
- night temp 10-15 degrees cooler
- Mist the leaves 2-3 times a day for water
- 2 feedings of 5 crickets per day, one feeding with calcium.
- Some greens for eating, if he wants.
Right now he has clinged to the top of the cage for a day, and turned a dark color, like a greenish brown. I know that may mean he is stressed or trying to absorb sun, right?
He ate like, 2 crickets yesterday but not nearly the amount I researched for a baby veiled. I dont know how old he is....but he is about 4 inches long(with tailed curled up)
Any other advice would be great, thank you!
- RH 60-75%
- day temp (ambient) 75degrees
- night temp 10-15 degrees cooler
- Mist the leaves 2-3 times a day for water
- 2 feedings of 5 crickets per day, one feeding with calcium.
- Some greens for eating, if he wants.
Right now he has clinged to the top of the cage for a day, and turned a dark color, like a greenish brown. I know that may mean he is stressed or trying to absorb sun, right?
He ate like, 2 crickets yesterday but not nearly the amount I researched for a baby veiled. I dont know how old he is....but he is about 4 inches long(with tailed curled up)
Any other advice would be great, thank you!