jonjo now 19 months not so little anymore


New Member
recent pics of our not so little Jonjo cant believe how quickly the time goes 19 months old now :)


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    jonjo 19 months.jpg
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    jonjo 19months.jpg
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thanks he is doing really well at the moment, went through a fussy stage of not eating and hunger striking through the winter but is eating really well now so hoping he will gain a bit more weight over the coming months going to weigh him at the weekend see how his doing, but i dont ever think he will be massive but is healthy and alert so thats the main thing
Jonjo looks good. I don't see anything that looks like he is too small. He is a beautiful, healthy chameleon so in my mind you are ahead of the game.:)
Thanks for your lovely comments just looking at Cham weights at his age he seems smaller he weighed 125g last month but he has been fussy on and off through the winter so I'm hoping he will gain a bit more weight now he is eating really well. Although he doesn't look underweight he has nice full pads on his head. Maybe I'm just worrying to much:)
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