New Member
So I'm trying to figure out if I need to take my veiled chameleon to the vet or not? I have money set aside but my car isn't working at the moment so I'm trying to judge how panicked I need to be. Anyway.
I have a young veiled chameleon named Virgo. I did get him from PetSmart which I have now learned is a horrible thing and I feel really guilty for contributing to that. Nothing I can do about that now, Virgo is in my care and is here to stay.
I noticed gaping a few hours ago. The ac was off (I have a windows unit, not cental ac) so after a little research I thought maybe he was just hot and turned the ac on to cool him down. The gaping is still happening. I left the room and when I came back his mouth was almost unhinged but he snapped it shut when I got close to his cage. I'm sitting about 2ft away now and he's started gaping again but it's not as wide. I'm scared maybe a breathing issue as he's sitting close to the heat lamp so he can't be too hot, and doesn't do it at me so it can't be defense. If it's thought I do need a vet I live in the Dallas area, the side away from FW. Please help I just got him and he's just a baby.
He has not had a UVB light for a minute. My cats managed to knock it to the ground and it ended up broken. I do have a new one available to me, but it is about 45 minutes away and as I said my car is out of commission. I am doing what I can to get him some rays. Take him outside for about 15 minutes each day to sit in the sun around midday but it is getting cooler.
He eats around 12 crickets a day, most of them during the morning time. His lights go on and off at 8&8 everyday. His cage gets misted around 3 times, and he has a fogger for at night that he sleeps above. He main food is crickets but he does occasionally get mealworms. I have not found any roaches that would be small enough for him. I used to dust his food in calcium powder but now use drops for the crickets. Just a little on their food tray (i feed them veggies and stuff) I'm wondering if I need to reintroduce dusting though?
I put a picture of the gaping. It's far away since I just zoomed in so that he wouldn't close his mouth again. Another one of him just trying to climb onto the ceiling. The plant in his cage is a pothos, he has eaten a little bit of it. He is playing stripper off of his dripper tube. I think it's to get closer to the heat lamp? He still does it even when it's warm so I am unsure if it's a cold thing or a "I know you don't like this" thing. His veil is a little grey, which means burn (before the gaping happened. it darkens whenever his body darkens aswell)? It did get like smaller and less grey with a shedding. it's just on the very tops of his ridges.
He is moving around a lot, and his eyes look normal. His color is pretty dark though. He recently had his first shed aswell, it only took him a day he did really good
He's my first reptile. I've learned they're not first time reptile pets, but I am doing my best. I'm researching almost constantly, and trying to think back to when I was 10 and wanted one and my mom made me write a paper to prove I could handle it. I am now 18, me and my boyfriend got him together when we just went in to look at the cats. I know it's irresponsible and I've apologized to the lizard. Me and Virgo have been learning along the way and just need some help
Also an age estimate from someone experienced? PetSmart couldn't tell me, of course.
Thank you!
I have a young veiled chameleon named Virgo. I did get him from PetSmart which I have now learned is a horrible thing and I feel really guilty for contributing to that. Nothing I can do about that now, Virgo is in my care and is here to stay.
I noticed gaping a few hours ago. The ac was off (I have a windows unit, not cental ac) so after a little research I thought maybe he was just hot and turned the ac on to cool him down. The gaping is still happening. I left the room and when I came back his mouth was almost unhinged but he snapped it shut when I got close to his cage. I'm sitting about 2ft away now and he's started gaping again but it's not as wide. I'm scared maybe a breathing issue as he's sitting close to the heat lamp so he can't be too hot, and doesn't do it at me so it can't be defense. If it's thought I do need a vet I live in the Dallas area, the side away from FW. Please help I just got him and he's just a baby.
He has not had a UVB light for a minute. My cats managed to knock it to the ground and it ended up broken. I do have a new one available to me, but it is about 45 minutes away and as I said my car is out of commission. I am doing what I can to get him some rays. Take him outside for about 15 minutes each day to sit in the sun around midday but it is getting cooler.
He eats around 12 crickets a day, most of them during the morning time. His lights go on and off at 8&8 everyday. His cage gets misted around 3 times, and he has a fogger for at night that he sleeps above. He main food is crickets but he does occasionally get mealworms. I have not found any roaches that would be small enough for him. I used to dust his food in calcium powder but now use drops for the crickets. Just a little on their food tray (i feed them veggies and stuff) I'm wondering if I need to reintroduce dusting though?
I put a picture of the gaping. It's far away since I just zoomed in so that he wouldn't close his mouth again. Another one of him just trying to climb onto the ceiling. The plant in his cage is a pothos, he has eaten a little bit of it. He is playing stripper off of his dripper tube. I think it's to get closer to the heat lamp? He still does it even when it's warm so I am unsure if it's a cold thing or a "I know you don't like this" thing. His veil is a little grey, which means burn (before the gaping happened. it darkens whenever his body darkens aswell)? It did get like smaller and less grey with a shedding. it's just on the very tops of his ridges.
He is moving around a lot, and his eyes look normal. His color is pretty dark though. He recently had his first shed aswell, it only took him a day he did really good
He's my first reptile. I've learned they're not first time reptile pets, but I am doing my best. I'm researching almost constantly, and trying to think back to when I was 10 and wanted one and my mom made me write a paper to prove I could handle it. I am now 18, me and my boyfriend got him together when we just went in to look at the cats. I know it's irresponsible and I've apologized to the lizard. Me and Virgo have been learning along the way and just need some help

Also an age estimate from someone experienced? PetSmart couldn't tell me, of course.
Thank you!