Heat and Misting?



I have the Eco Terra housing for my first Chameleon. It is 18Wx18Dx24H My question is that I am totally confused on lighting, heat, basking....etc. I have the hood with 2 UVB and I have a separate metal fixture that has a blue light bulb that is suppose to give off heat and then the other day I kept reading about basking light so I bought a 2 pack of 100W basking bulbs. But what about a night light and how many metal hanging lights will I need because I only have one right now but could buy more. I just want to make sure my Chameleon gets the proper heat.

Misting ....I bought a hand held mister but will I need a electric mister and or a dripper? What is easiest? This Eco Terra glass housing is temporary until my baby gets a bit bigger and can find food on his own and then I plan to get a huge metal and wire enclosure for him. Also what brand electric mister is better than another? Thanks:D
You Have way too many lights it seems! Lol.
You need one UVB light- a linear style (long, not coil) preferably Reptisun brand 5.0.
Then you need one basking light. Your blue bulb was fine, or lots of people just use a regular household light bulb. Not the energy efficient kind, the old fashioned incandescent bulbs. Cause youre just after the heat with these, but you dont need a ton of heat (so usually dont want a hundred watt, especially for such a small cage.) You just need a little heat from whatever wattage and placement is going to bring their basking spot to the required temperature. Sometimes you have to play around a bit with wattage, sometimes you have to change it seasonally, so you need a thermometer or heat gun to keep the temps monitored.
So yeah, you'll put the UVB bulb across the top, and then put that basking bulb to one side of the top, so that the chameleon has self regulate - choices of hot or cooler temps still with UVB or can go down to get away from the UVB if he wants to.
Forgot - re: nightlight

As for the nightlight - none. Some chameleons are very fussy about needing complete darkness to sleep. They also need a temperature drop at night, so it's okay to get cold as long as it's not crazy cold.
So I need to take the basking lights back? I need to just use the blue heat bulb in my metal fixture? The girl at the Petstore told me I need a black or blue night light? My fixture has the 2 UVB bulbs for light the switch operates both bulbs so I can't have one on and one off?
Ok that makes sense :)
As for the nightlight - none. Some chameleons are very fussy about needing complete darkness to sleep. They also need a temperature drop at night, so it's okay to get cold as long as it's not crazy cold.
100 watts will be way too hot. You can actually get away with just the one fixture if it is the one that holds two screw in bulbs. You could put a safe compact UVB(Reptiglo 5.0 or newer made Reptisun 5.0) in one side and a 60 watt bulb in the other side. Make sure your chameleon has a vine that he can sit on about 6-7" below the bulbs, and make sure with a DIGITAL THERMOMETER that the temps are in the range for the type of baby you have, generally in the low 80's with the rest of the cage low to mid 70's. No night light or heat unless your temps in the cage are dropping below 60. A pump spray is really all you need. The electric ones are expensive and gimmicky. Post a pic of your cage and we can make suggestions.
so would the light from the Uv and basking be enough for plants etc (so is there any need for a seperate light for plants?)
Ok I will get a picture as best as I can. We are waiting on the stand to be delivered as we ordered it off a website to match the habitat. Thanks you two!!
so would the light from the Uv and basking be enough for plants etc (so is there any need for a seperate light for plants?)

Depends on the plant. I actually do have plant lights in a separate fixture on a few of my cages that are farthest away from windows.
So I need to take the basking lights back? I need to just use the blue heat bulb in my metal fixture? The girl at the Petstore told me I need a black or blue night light? My fixture has the 2 UVB bulbs for light the switch operates both bulbs so I can't have one on and one off?

the problem with this comment you listend to a petco employee. lol
sorry but normaly they have no idea what they are saying.
Yeah you are right and she claimed to have 3 Chameleons. This is a different employee from the first one that told me wrong. Live and learn and that is why I am here :) Thanks everyone for fantastic advice!
If the plants you have need a separate light you can go to Walmart and pickup a cheap Grow Light (provides UVA for plants) for less than $10 (with a fixture), can't remember the price for sure (receipt disappeared lol).
Thanks for that info! LMBO I have a few receipts that need to disappear this week ha-ha!!
If the plants you have need a separate light you can go to Walmart and pickup a cheap Grow Light (provides UVA for plants) for less than $10 (with a fixture), can't remember the price for sure (receipt disappeared lol).
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