Growing Hibiscus


New Member
Has anyone tried to grow Hibiscus from seeds? I am asking because the only plants in my area are a fortune right now. I know they are more sensitive than some, but I was wondering with grow lights and warm temperatures if it would be possible. Obviously starting from seeds is much cheaper, but I don't have much of a green thumb.
I am interested aswell. I am having a heck of a time finding decent and hearty ones aswell. I'll do some "googling" and see what I find.;)
I did a bit or research on the net and found that the grow time for them to reach hardy plants would take several 3-5 or more. I guess if you had a few decent plants to swap out often while the new ones were growing you'd be fine but they will take some time to reach a good hardy stage. There is a ton of sites that offer a wide variety of seeds, along with tutorials on germinating/growing. I think I will give it a go, and test my green thumb. They seam cheap enough that if they didnt make it you would not be at a huge loss. Give it a shot and post some picks with your progress.
with Cali's weather, hibiscus is readily available pretty much in many local nurseries and mega store like walmart, lowes and homedepot.

I don't particularly have the patience to grow anything from the seeds :D
Even mulberry and blackberry, I cheated by just buying the dormant plants instead..:p

But, if you are into the growing process of hibiscus itself then by all means.
I think it's gonna be an interesting project.
have you tried camellia?
I never tied it from seed, but I have grown a few from cuttings with root growth hormone. Or if you have a healthy plant already, just scrap some bark off a branch and wrap a plastic baggie filled with good moist potting soil. It should start rooting from the scraped section.
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