Gravid veild been holding eggs for nearly two month's?


New Member
Does anyone know how long is the usual amount of time they take until laying the eggs? She's still eating, drinking and just started a second shed in the space of about 4 weeks!

Can anyone let me know pls? She has never been mated and about a year and a half old.

I cant tell about a time length, but I have read that they will go off their food and get less active. does she have access to alaying bin? if so, how big is it?
I cant tell about a time length, but I have read that they will go off their food and get less active. does she have access to alaying bin? if so, how big is it?

I had a large pot filled with soil until the lady i bought her off said she left it in the middle of the viv so yhis is wat is done now!
How do you know she's been holding them for that long?
Can you post a picture please?

I was told when i bought her that she was about to start - and the blue egg spots apeared. I think she is ok as shedding again : s and eating?


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After being told she moved the soil and made her own nest i decided to put it in a pile on the floor. Hope she will be ok!

Even though this is my first time with a cham i well and truly left no stone un turned apart from this one obviously.
Help pls.x.x.
After being told she moved the soil and made her own nest i decided to put it in a pile on the floor. Hope she will be ok!

Even though this is my first time with a cham i well and truly left no stone un turned apart from this one obviously.
Help pls.x.x.

You put the soil in a pile? If so, then you neeed to take it and put it in a bucket, preferably as deep as you can make it. and from what ive read, most people use play sand.

Edit- Have you felt her belly? does it feel like eggs are in there?
Ok so she's receptive but even if she has never been around a male will she still have to push the eggs out - and could she still die egg bound??

A few people have said if she has never mated then dont worry because she will reabsorb them as they are only sacs???????

Confused :s

The blue dots mean that she is receptive.
If she is producing eggs then they will have to be laid and if she doesn't she would become eggbound. Its not thought that they can resorb eggs.

Does she ever turn very dark in the background?
She has never mated or been near a male! She was a little dark the other week but was a little constipated i think. Stopped giving her meal worms! I Put some pic's in my profile of her. Hope all is cool. I get allot of mixed message's on here : s
A quick update!!!

Kanna my Cham is not holding egg's?????

Even though a few months ago when i got her from a friend she had eggs, looking at her when she was sitting on a branch convinved me as i could see egg shapes popping out her side.

Aparently not - she has no eggs or had them but has reabsorbed them?

Confusing - anyways been handling her loads more and things seem better:)
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