Ginger as gutload?


Established Member
Started buying fresh ginger for in my stirfrys, I accidentally bought two big chunks last week, used up a bunch last night trying to make homemade ginger ale, wondered about the scraps of skin I cut off before I chop it, and/or the boiled stuff I strained out of the ginger ale - good/bad to gutload with?
Chime in, Sandra? :)
Started buying fresh ginger for in my stirfrys, I accidentally bought two big chunks last week, used up a bunch last night trying to make homemade ginger ale, wondered about the scraps of skin I cut off before I chop it, and/or the boiled stuff I strained out of the ginger ale - good/bad to gutload with?
Chime in, Sandra? :)

Hi. As far as I know, fresh/raw ginger is okay. Providing Potassium and small amounts of vitamin C, magnesium, copper, manganese and small amounts of b vitamins and omega 6 (and more phosphorous than calcium). The extent to which bugs will eat it is uncertain.

How did the ginger ale turn out?
Thanks Sandra, I threw it in with the baggie of crickets i brought home tonight, i guess we'll see if they eat it...
As for the ginger ale, it has potential actually, which is impressive for me, because i am SO not the kind of girl who does domestic cooking stuff like this normally! Lol. Not even close. Anyways, came out pretty promising, just needs some tweaking. The flavour is surprisingly almost perfectly right, just need to work on getting the concentration (i didnt do the yeast/science experiment stuff and carbonate it this time, just made like a concentrate to mix with storebought carbonated water) and sweetening right next time. First test wasn't sweet enough, and not quite strong enough, so I added more water, ginger and sugar, and cooked it a bit longer, but the came out a little sweeter than strong, and not quite strong enough, and I was hoping for other way around. Not bad at all for a first attempt though, I was expecting the flavour to be way off, but it tasted pretty much Exactly like I had a glass of Canada Dry, but all my ice cubes melted. (aka, watered-down)
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