Any info on rearing these delicate little chams would be greatly appreciated as this seems as it may be a first over here and very little information is available
Congrats!!! I have never bred or had this species but when I rear babies I just keep them like I do adults. Of course smaller cages and I do not let the temperatures get to the extremes the adults can take (heat wise). I hope they do well for you!
What a tiny little miracle. Quads are my all time favorite cham. I will pm you my "quad baby" primer - as soon as I write it. Might not be for 2 days but it will be complete. Congrats!!!!
The 16 eggs were placed on damp vermiculite that was in a pre set up incubator at 70 degrees and simply left alone until hatching. Checked on every two weeks to allow a little air circulation and apart from that mother nature did the rest, lol.....
Incubator was simply a poly box with a heat mat attached inside the lid and attached to a pulse stat to keep a constant 70 degrees