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This is Figaroe. We cought him drinking out of his bowl of water we have in there for him. I thought it was cute as he drinks out of his bowl regularly.


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Good to hear. In my opinion, its better to offer the more natural sources for drinking water, than Force then to drink from a bowl. Even if they will do it without visable troubles..
You dont need to wait for the water system as you can just poke a hole in a plastic cup or jug and let gravity take effect. you will have to play around with how big the hole should be but with this simple method you can provide a prolonged drip a couple times a day by just filling it up with distilled water.
i have tried the misting and the drops before, he doesn't like it. I have him trained to eat out of a bowl as well and my breeder I got him from said that if he wanted to drink out of a bowl, let him.

I have one male that drinks regularly from a rock bowl with a bubble stone in it. He has been doing this for almost a year and a half with no issues. I still mist him regularly though for humidity and eye cleaning. Most of my panthers haven't been seen drinking from a bowl, but I'm sure that they do. I think that it's great that he's doing this, less of a chance of dehydration which is a common problem with chameleons.

Jerm said:
I have one male that drinks regularly from a rock bowl with a bubble stone in it. He has been doing this for almost a year and a half with no issues. I still mist him regularly though for humidity and eye cleaning. Most of my panthers haven't been seen drinking from a bowl, but I'm sure that they do. I think that it's great that he's doing this, less of a chance of dehydration which is a common problem with chameleons.


Well thank you. I know my boy likes his bowls. I just fed him and after he ate out of his food bowl he went and drank out of his water bowl. What do your chameleons look like? And if I take pictures of my chameleon will you guys tell me if he's looking good?

If you go to my gallery you can see some of my chameleons. The red male is the one that drinks from a bowl. You can try posting pics I'm sure you will get a response from someone.

Jerm said:
I have one male that drinks regularly from a rock bowl with a bubble stone in it. He has been doing this for almost a year and a half with no issues. I still mist him regularly though for humidity and eye cleaning. Most of my panthers haven't been seen drinking from a bowl, but I'm sure that they do. I think that it's great that he's doing this, less of a chance of dehydration which is a common problem with chameleons.


What is a bubble stone, and how does it work? Do you just lay it in water and it creates bubbles? How long does it last?
A bubble stone is normally used for a fish tank and can be found at any store that sells fish supplies. You have to also get an air pump to run it (under $10), but it lasts quite a while. I replace them probably once a year.

This is a prime reason why people ignore a lot of veiled chameleon

Too many experienced breeders will tell their customers that
chameleons don't drink from bowls. If they see their chameleon drink
from a bowl, it kinda makes people question the knowledge of the
"expert" that told them it wouldn't happen.

I've seen almsot any chameleon drink from a bowl, mostly standing

The big problem is that I find that a bowl will often be enough to keep
them hydrated, and so people don't bother to give them regular heavy
mistings. They can get hydrated from drinking from a bowl, but they
can't clean their eyes and moisturize their skin without mistings.

I fyou want ot use a bowl - go ahead. But it should be there on its
own, as a backup, NOT the main water source. Besides... they "go"
in them all the time.
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