Determination between Tr.jack.jacksonii and Trioceros jack.jack."willegensis"


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has anybody good literature or sites where I can find good ways to determinate especially the females between the "normal" jacksonii jacksonii and the "willegensis" locality ?


(but please just answers which help, I know the differences between j.merumontanus, j.xantholophus and j.jacksonii)
Not exactly what you were asking...

Francois LeBerre said...
"John van Willegen is the guy who is collecting and selling them. He calls
them after his name, and I refer to them as "rainbow" Jacksons.
The oldest pic I have of this one dates of 1965, so it is not so new... And
true, they are smaller than the C. j. xantholophus with whom they interbreed
(but I did not manage to get F2, yet), and females have 1 to 3 horns, and
sometimes none."

Sorry I can't really answer your question. :(
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