I have a veiled chameleon and know that her diet should consist largely of crickets... But they are really sneaky. I have a plastic container suspended near her favorite branch. I put worms (mealworms) and crickets in there. i feed her about 8 to 10 worms a day and put 6 to 8 small crickets every day as well. I purchased medium crickets a few days ago and she didnt like them at all. She ate about 2 maybe 3 in 3 days so I got small crickets but I see them escaping from the container. I'm worried she won't eat them because I rarely see her climb down from her branch or other nearby ones. Will she be ok if the crickets arent in the bowl? I should also mention she recognizes the container as food and approaches it immediately after she sees my pull my hand out of her cage. In other words Im afriad she wont think of hunting for crickets around her cage if she knows the container is for food. Also, i feel like her diet is a bit bland. I give her mealworms and crickets with the occasional waxworm. Suggestions?