Cricket Feeder Cup


New Member
Anyone design any kind of cup to keep crickets from escaping the cup, while enabeling a Jackson's to feed from the cup? If I can do this, then I may not cricket-proof my cage to enable better sunlight in.
I just use an opaque/white tall tupperware cup. Don't want the cup totally clear because your cham might try to shoot through it. You just want it clear enough so they can make out shadows.

Then cut out the bottom and hot glue gun some wire mesh to the bottom (Preferably plastic). Get a hole puncher and hole bunch holes on the top sides. Attach the cup using either zip ties or string through the holes. tie it to a branch and let it hang down but still stand straight up.

The cup should be deep enough so that crickets can't jump out or climb out.
Thank you very much for your helpful responses. Pardon my ignorance, but about how many inches is too deep, and too shallow. I heard that a Jackson's toung shoots out 1.5 times the length of its body. Is that including its tail unwound.

Also, is there a fear that the Jackson's could fall in and not get out (and I guess getting all too stressed about getting stuck).
Thank you very much for your helpful responses. Pardon my ignorance, but about how many inches is too deep, and too shallow. I heard that a Jackson's toung shoots out 1.5 times the length of its body. Is that including its tail unwound.

Also, is there a fear that the Jackson's could fall in and not get out (and I guess getting all too stressed about getting stuck).

Yeah. I would make sure the cup is shallow enough to allow the jackson to climb out. I would guess the cup should be about the size of those cheap plastic red cups kids use for beer pong. In fact you could even use one of those cups if you need to.
I use a plastic cup (the ones you get at parties, or at the dentist with the mouth rinse in) with the bottom cut out and 'tights' material taped to the bottom to allow any water to drain out (I will probably replace this with mesh when Simba is bigger and therefore his feeders will be bigger)

I don't use crickets, I feed locusts and fruit flies from the cup. They do climb out eventually, but for the locusts I put a lil piece of carrot in the cup to try n keep them there a bit longer. Not sure if this might work for crix???

Can't keep the flies in anything as they can climb up the sides, whatever you put them in, although putting a piece of fruit in there would probs keep them in there a bit longer.

If you put the feeders in the fridge for about 10mins before you feed them, this slows them down so they'll be in the cup longer before trying to venture out.

I like that the feeders come out of the cup eventually as it makes Simba hunt down his food, so he's getting exercise as well as grub :D

I'm going to make a shallower one for the worms so he can see them easier.

Other than that, all I can suggest for crix is a deeper cup to try and stop them from climbing.

Hope that helps ;)
I actually made one out of a gallon milk jug. I cut the handle side out and then lined the inside with some left over mesh from my cage build and it works perfect. Crickets walk all over it and my Chams will see it and go attack! Search the forums for the famous milk jug cup, that's where I got the idea
I read somewhere if you put the flies in the refrig for a little while it makes them slow way down allowing your cham to eat it out of the cup. I have caught a couple house flies for Sayid and he loves them, they don't last 30secs in his habitat, and that is flyig around!
my cham has no tounge so i put the crickets in the fridge for 3min they get slow then i cut their legs off. no more jumping
I too use the milk jug feeder.....but use a 1/2 gallon jug instead and used actual plastic screen to line one side. It works great even butter and super worms will walk up the mesh screen...then ....wamo. :D:D
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