Welcome to my Herp/Bedroom. Just thought I'd show off my setups and some of my equipment that I use, as well as the happy herps who inhabit them
. Enjoy and leave some feedback, and feel free to show off your "ChamCribs", i know there are threads like this, but for real... stunt your stuff 

Tokay Gecko, Bearded Pygmy Chameleon, Green Anole
K. Multi & C. Calyptratus Homemade Cages w. Stands
Red Eye Tree Frog & Crested Gecko Cages on Plastic Rack
Ficus Tree, Chameleon Pictures & Framed Seahorses that I once kept
Suppliments, Dry Gutload, Scale, Repashy Crested Gecko Diet, Small Crickets & Disinfectants
MistKing Ultimate System, Exo-Terra Incubator, Digital Humidifer, Drip Buckets
Now lets go deep inside the cages
Tom's Cage (Kinyongia. Multituberculata) 2x2x4 Homemade Cage:
Kiwi's Cage (Chamaeleo. Calyptratus) 2x2x4 Homemade Cage:
*Notice the hidden laying bin, washed playsand hidden away with fake plants*
Tokay Gecko, Bearded Pygmy Chameleon, Green Anole

K. Multi & C. Calyptratus Homemade Cages w. Stands

Red Eye Tree Frog & Crested Gecko Cages on Plastic Rack

Ficus Tree, Chameleon Pictures & Framed Seahorses that I once kept

Suppliments, Dry Gutload, Scale, Repashy Crested Gecko Diet, Small Crickets & Disinfectants

MistKing Ultimate System, Exo-Terra Incubator, Digital Humidifer, Drip Buckets

Now lets go deep inside the cages
Tom's Cage (Kinyongia. Multituberculata) 2x2x4 Homemade Cage:

Kiwi's Cage (Chamaeleo. Calyptratus) 2x2x4 Homemade Cage:

*Notice the hidden laying bin, washed playsand hidden away with fake plants*