Carpet Weights


This question is for anyone that keeps/has kept carpet chameleons (Furcifer Lateralis) or for anyone that knows of an article that has some good info.
What is a good/average adult weight for a male? Also for a Female?
The search tool gave me no results.

But more importantly, Garret, we need to see pictures of Green Bean!! I want to see how much he's grown! :D

Surprisingly, I never took weights of my adult carpets :)confused:), but I'm going to venture to say that he will be behind the 8-ball a smidge because he was always a little smaller than the others. (you may want to contact Chad/Darci at Tiki Tiki though since Green Bean's sire and dam came from them and I'm sure they have the weights...)
Pictures are moving up to the top of the list very quickly. Just cleaned out the roach bin, and cleaned all the cham cages and crested gecko cages. Phew! A lot of work. Had Green Bean outside for about an hour today and saw some nice colors. As soon as I find the cords for the camera I will try to get some good shots!:)
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