Cage Critique


New Member
Hey Guys~ Everyone is so helpful with tips and ideas I thought I would put a few pictures of my setup up and see what you think. Any suggestions, tips, or ideas are welcome :)

A little background: I have 2 veiled chameleons. Gaga is about 6 months old and Dino is about 8 months. I've had chameleons in the past but they were free-range, this is the first time I've had chameleons in cages. Both of them have a 24 x 24 x 48 inch aluminum screen cage, an umbrella tree, lots of plastic ivy vines at the top for coverage, as well as various sizes of Exo-Terra jungle vines. I installed a MistKing and each of the cages have 1 nozzle. Gaga has a ReptiSun 10.0 as well as a basking spot light, and Dino has a mercury vapor bulb.

This is a picture of the 2 cages. In the middle is my mealworm bin.


This is the MistKing pump (still need to hang/secure the wires and tube)


MistKing Nozzle


Top portion of cage


Gaga Sleeping (bummed I missed January's photo contest)



Sweet setup! What are you doing for drainage?

Right now I'm just using newspaper, but I have to change it every night :eek: I did order plastic cage trays, they just haven't come in yet~ Hopefully I can think of some way to control it all. The umbrella plant catches a lot of the water from the shorter mists, but I have a morning mist that goes for about 15 min, and that is what soaks the paper. Anybody have drainage ideas?
I'm curious why you only use UVB on one animal. Also, they may prefer to have their cages elevated off the floor.
I'm curious why you only use UVB on one animal. Also, they may prefer to have their cages elevated off the floor.

The mercury vapor bulb emits UVA, UVB and heat. I've always used them, but I used to use a different brand for my old chameleons, but I don't think they make them anymore. They were GREAT~ When I got theses chameleons I had to get the Zoo Med PowerSun ones and they have given me a lot of trouble. They are great to have because there isn't a lot of clutter but they are expensive and very sensitive. Anyways to make a long story short, one of them went out after a month, and so did the replacement one, so I switched to the ReptiSun 10.0 and a basking bulb. I'm just waiting for the other one to crap out so I can replace it too.

I think I will try to elevate them once I try to build a drainage system. Right now the are under a ledge that I hang the lights from so they don't get too close. Thanks for the tips~
Gorgeous chameleons!

Hello! I am a first time chameleon owner and very unsure of what to expect for coloring for my three month male veiled. Right now he looks very similar to your chameleon in the top picture, but the fish/reptile shop I got him from told me to expect coloring and designs like the second picture. Is your first chameleon still young? Was the second chameleon mainly green when he was younger? I'm so excited to see what happens with Herbie (my veiled) as he matures..
Is your first chameleon still young? Was the second chameleon mainly green when he was younger?

The first one is a female and those are her colors when she is sleeping. Chameleons tend to get lighter when they are calm and asleep. She is about 5 months in that picture. The second it a picture of my male. He is about 6 months in the picture. Usually his colors are not that bright when he is just hanging out, but you can still see the stripes and darker patterns. When he was really young (2-4 months) he was pretty much green like that. In the pic he is just "fired up" because I have a camera in his face. If your chameleon is a male he should start to show coloring around 6 month or so. I noticed a big change in mine between 4 months and 6 months. When he gets older put him in front of the mirror so he can see himself, you might get a nice surprise. I wouldn't suggest doing it too often though, it stresses them out.
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