Are there any tricks to..


New Member
Keeping mist and humiditiy withing the cage. When i build mine i dont want mist going right through the screen and onto everything, making things damp and so. ANy tricks to keeping all that within the cham's cage?
pfal26 said:
Keeping mist and humiditiy withing the cage. When i build mine i dont want mist going right through the screen and onto everything, making things damp and so. ANy tricks to keeping all that within the cham's cage?

When I made my cage only the front, left, and right side are screened. This helps me keep heat in and humidity up. I also have 3 live plants in the cage that really helps with the humidity. You have to be carefull in how you design the cage. You dont want any stagnant humid air in the cage. This could lead to URI (Upper Respritory Infection). You need to make sure you have good ventilation in the setup. I leave my window open during the day, or a small area fan on. You may always have an issue when spraying that a little bit of water will go through the screen. In my experience it hasnt been enough to really bother anything around my cage in my room.

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