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  1. Christinalovescham

    I have a 4 - 5 month veiled cham (I don't know his exact age because the petco employees had no clue) amd I want to make sure this diet is normal

    So far my cham is mostly only interested in food that moves, which is mealworms because since his size limits his diet this is the only insect I feel I can feed him, he eats about 12-18 every day. The past two days he started eating fruit which he eats like a dog instead of using his tongue as...
  2. Christinalovescham

    Are these Supplements what is needed?

    I understand that I need to dust my chameleon's food with a supplement containing vitamin A every day and a supplement containing D3 once a week. I noticed my cham's crest is slightly curved so I am just concerned I am not supplementing correctly since I have the correct lighting to provide UVB...
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