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  1. lilboypascal

    complete chameleon setup for sale

    not sure if this is where i should be posting so let me know if i should post somewhere else! i have a 4ft tall Reptibreeze chameleon cage with Dragon Strand support ledges on both sides and the back. one mister that holds about a week's worth of water. one heat lamp and terranium hood with...
  2. lilboypascal

    Panther Chameleon Eye Problem

    Hi, I have taken my chameleon to the vet about three times now. Two different hospitals. Still no actual diagnosis. He started out having huge bubbles under his eyelids which is apparently how they attempt to push debris out. This has been happening since June, it's the end of September now. He...
  3. lilboypascal

    Thinking of moving my cham outside(screen porch)

    I know this was a long time ago but I'm thinking about doing the same thing with my 1 year old panther male. Did you end up doing it and do you have any tips that you could share with me? Thanks!
  4. lilboypascal

    Chameleon barely eats or drinks, always wants to come out

    Maybe I'm overthinking it then. He just isn't showing his happy colors unless he's out of his cage and his poop is much smaller than usual. Phoenix worms are about the size of mealworms and a 1/3 of the size of superworms so it concerns me.
  5. lilboypascal

    Chameleon barely eats or drinks, always wants to come out

    Last week, he only ate 7 superworms total. This week, he's had about 20 Phoenix worms total. The whole time he's had crickets in his cage which he might have had a few (maybe 4 or 5) while I was at work, or else they escaped into my room and I haven't found them yet. I'm hoping he ate them.
  6. lilboypascal

    Chameleon barely eats or drinks, always wants to come out

    Yes, he used to eat mainly crickets when he was little. I would say about 10-15 a day. Last week he would only eat one superworm everyday, even though there were crickets in his cage. He would just ignore them. I bought Phoenix worms (size L) online, he's been eating about 5 a day now but those...
  7. lilboypascal

    Chameleon barely eats or drinks, always wants to come out

    Wow! That enclosure does make a big difference. Any advice on where to find more husbandry? I'll definitely need to get some more. I have the medium for him right now, I ordered the ReptiBreeze XL along with a 24" T-5 High Output Double Light Linear Fluorescent Hood - with a 24 watt 22" Zoo Med...
  8. lilboypascal

    Chameleon barely eats or drinks, always wants to come out

    Okay, what size cage should I order him? Do you have any brands that you recommend for cages and lighting? I'll take all the advice you can give. Thanks for responding!
  9. lilboypascal

    Chameleon barely eats or drinks, always wants to come out

    Hi, I've had my ambilobe panther since he was 4 months old. He's now 8 months old. Two months ago, he's been refusing both crickets and superworms which were the main two that I was rotating in his diet. He liked mealworms for awhile but then I read they were not good for chameleons so I...
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