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  1. Crusader

    Constant Squinting

    Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, female. Unsure of age. I got her five weeks ago. Maybe 3-4 months old now. Wife picked her up from Petsmart. Handling - Very little. Two days ago she has started allowing me to just pick her up. She crawl onto my hand and let me inspect her. Able to rub her...
  2. Crusader

    Did the Vet kill Steggy??

    So continuing from this thread... My girlfriend took Steggy home from the vet because I had to go back to work. On the ride home, he started having these odd greyish black spots around his leg where he received the shot. About...
  3. Crusader

    Remains at the bottom and sleeps

    So here I am again, the black line (which may have been a burn) across my Jackson's back has disappeared without a trace. Since my last post, all Steggy has done is remain at the bottom of the cage in the coolest area and sleeps all day. I haven't seen him eat, and the number of crickets in...
  4. Crusader

    Lethargic and won't use his front arm

    So not long after I got my Jackson Chameleon last June, he had a problem with his calcium intake. Lead to a swollen foot and leg. A few days ago, I noticed that he wasn't using his front right foot while roaming around. This morning, I noticed him sitting on the bead of his cage, and acting...
  5. Crusader

    Hurt Tongue?

    So yesterday my Jackson Chameleon was eating like normal until I saw him having trouble swallowing. It was only a small mealworm. He has eaten some much bigger no problem. A few seconds later he started sticking his tongue out all the way and holding it there for a second or two. He did this...
  6. Crusader


    Today I was going through the normal routine of feeding my Jackson. He swallowed a smaller than normal worm and barely chewed it. I'm guessing it was still alive and moving while he swallowed it because Steggy stuck his tongue straight out and held it there for a second or two. And then he...
  7. Crusader

    Colliding Horns

    So my Jackson Chameleon seems to have a slight problem with his horns. The horn on his right brow is angled to where it has less than a mm between it and his middle horn which is also curved to point straight up. Is this anything I should be worried about? I haven't seen anything like this...
  8. Crusader


    Hello everyone! This is my J.C. named Steggy. I've had him for a few months now. He's used to it now but still isn't 100% on me picking him up. Which I don't blame him. I'd be pissed if a human had to handle me too. But, he doesn't turn black anymore so that's great. Today though, I...
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