Search results

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    WTB: Female Ambilobe Panther Chameleons

    Looking to buy 3-5 female ambilobe panthers, aged between 3-9 months. Please email info with age, price, quantity and lineage if you have something for sale. Email is [email protected]
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    Male Nosy Faly X for sale

    I have one 5-6 month old Nosy Faly Hybrid panther for sale. He is very large for his age and should grow up to be a stunner. He is 225$ plus shipping, or if you are local you may do pick-up. Price is non-negotiable. I'm not sure of his lineage so he is being sold as a pet only. Please email...
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    Male is sold. Mods please delete
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    WC Juvenile Ambanjas For Sale

    I have two young juvenile WC ambanja males available. These two are very young, I estimate them to be around 5 months of age based on their size. They are 275.00 each plus shipping. They are showing a lot of potential for their current coloration and size. First two pictures are of male #1, next...
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    Nosy Be Male For Sale

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    Let's Play Name That Locale

    Definitely not sambava...not even close
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    Mistking Nozzles and Used Cages

    Still have some cages left and some nozzles, pictured are two of the cages available
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    Dubia's Can Fly!!!!

    THis is not news to me...
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    Help needed for baby male veiled

    It sounds to me like the male you just got was at the proper age based on the size of 2.5 " snout to vent length, and a female that is 3.5 inches snout to vent length can in no way be only a month old. Either the pet store you got the female at had no clue about the growth rate of chameleons...
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    Mistking Nozzles and Used Cages

    Hello, I have a large amount of mistking nozzles that were purchased many months ago but were never used. They are the "Value T type nozzle" shown here: I have about 20 that I can sell for 10$ each, plus shipping. I also have a...
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    10 lot veileds for sale

    I have a 10 lot of baby veileds for sale. They were produced from a high translucent male and a regular female. These babies will have low amounts of translucence to no translucence showing on them. Essentially, they all carry the translucent gene and will boost any translucent breeding...
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    Breeder Complaint - Hybrid MITSIO

    You should go to the BOI on faunaclassifieds to deal with this type of situation.
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    Breeder Complaint - Hybrid MITSIO

    It does not matter if the sire was pure, as it could have been bred with any female. Or, the female's sire could have been misrepresented. The photos make this male look like a typical ambilobe hybrid mitsio. You should have made an inquiry to other breeders before purchasing the male, if...
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    3 Ambilobe females for 300$ shipped

    I have three juvenile/subadult ambilobe females for sale. All 3 for 300$ shipped anywhere in the US. That breaks down to about 83$ per female before shipping. Sire is shown in the first photo, second photo is representative female from the group. Dame's sire was Hyperion from the chameleon...
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    New Chameleon and Not Sure I bought the right Sized Cage

    Yes, it seems the cage would be too small. Since he is already so big you might as well go with the largest standard size cage, a 2x2x4' cage
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    getting 7 adult female panther 2 males

    Is this meant to be a serious post? Or are you trolling us...
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    getting 7 adult female panther 2 males

    It sounds like you are getting into too much too soon. It is always best to have figured out the accommodations of the animals before getting them. You may have a disaster just waiting to happen. Especially a new person taking in that many adult females, which have greater needs than juveniles...
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    Young adult male nosy be for sale

    Price drop 199 plus shipping. Need the cage space.
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    Young adult male nosy be for sale

    I have a stunning 8 month old captive hatched nosy be male for sale. He is one of the last of my holdbacks and is priced at just 250 + shipping. Price is non-negotiable. Pictures do not do him justice, the blue is much more vibrant in person. He was hatched from a wild caught female so the sire...
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    Cham has no grip..

    The sticks leaning against the side of the cage are at a very steep angle, perhaps a smaller incline will allow him to grip those more readily. Also, a smaller diameter dowel rod may help. I use 3/8" dowel rods for my adult male panthers and have no grip issues.
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