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  1. B

    Average size of a 10 month Ambanja?

    Thankyou for the replys, good to hear that he isn't in any trouble, I was getting worried because he has only been eating 2-3 large crickets everyday unlike a couple of months ago he was taking out half a dozen a day. I will definitley look into a scale so that it's more accurate to asses his...
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    Average size of a 10 month Ambanja?

    Hey everyone, I was woundering if my little guy is doing okay? He hasn't been eating as much as he used to and I just want to make sure he isn't falling behind. He is a 10 month old ambanja male. He is 7 inchs from head to vent and about 15 inchs in total lenght. I'm not sure of his weight but...
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    Redder Zulu

    Amazing looking stud you have there, keep up the great job:D
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    Azazal Update (Heavy Pics)

    I bought it at Petco it was in the aquatic section
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    Azazal Update (Heavy Pics)

    Ya I hear you mine only fires up blood red and sea foam during his sleep, unfortunate they don't freeze frame and stay vibrant all the time.
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    Azazal Update (Heavy Pics)

    Thankyou Ace, I love your avatars lateral bar!
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    Azazal Update (Heavy Pics)

    Thank you, and sorry that I diddnt specify he is 13 1/2 inchs long from head to tail and 7 inchs long from head to vent.
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    Azazal Update (Heavy Pics)

    Hi everyone haven't posted in a while, just posting a couple of update pictures on Azazal's progress in the past couple of months. He's now 13 1/2 inchs and I was wondering if that is a healthy size for a 10 month old Ambanja.? I am unaware of his weight but I believe he looks a healthy weight...
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    New Englanders... Let's introduce ourselves ..

    Mike Weston ct 1 Male Ambanja Panther 8 month 1 Male Jackson estimated 9 month
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    New Chameleon from Whiteplains!

    Thankyou, he's got an awsome personality, already drinking and tommorow feeding time :), now if I could only have him and my ambanja to hang out lol
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    New Chameleon from Whiteplains!

    So i went to the reptile expo in whiteplains newyork looking for a crested chameleon but with no luck so this little guy and knew he was the winner. The seller told me he is farm bred and is about 9 months of age. I have a small terrarium from my ambanja when he was a baby so I'm using that as...
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    Whiteplains Ny Reptile Convention

    Can someone please move this to the lizard lounge section, sorry for posting it in the wrong section.
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    Whiteplains Ny Reptile Convention

    So I'm heading to the whiteplains reptile convention on a mission. *My girlfriend has been naging me to get her a crested chameleon for her for a while so this is my biggest opportunity to pick one out myself, that is if anyone there even has one for sale. *If not I'm thinking about a nice...
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    Awsome looking boy you have there
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    Azazal's new enclosure design

    Are there any brands in particular that you guys have used and found safe on chameleons, and is it recomended to stain wood?
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    Azazal's new enclosure design

    No, I bleached and washed them with hot water and let dry before I put them in. I clean his cage out every week, I take out everything and wash it down thuroughly before putting it back in.
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    Azazal's new enclosure design

    Hey guys just finished setting up Azazal's new enclosure. I used different girth sized wooden dowels and a few vines with and w/o leaves. He also has three live pathos at the bottom and he has a new ficus that we just bought. What do guys think and do you guys have any opinions on what I can do...
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    New Chameleon!!!!!!!

    Really good looking guy you have there, congradulations!!!
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    Unidentified Plant???

    Yup it's definatley bromeliad vriesea Charlotte, thanks so much I am going to see how big it grows and possibly put it at the bottom of azazel's cage for decor
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    Burr new to forums

    Thankyou for the awsome link Sandra going to change up my gutloading and hopefully it will benifit my little buddy :)
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