Hello! I am seeing that the last time I logged in was 1/21/13! This is the Mellers that you got from me, correct? It just warms my heart to no end to see that she is doing so wonderfully. This girl was very special to me as Mike from FL Chams sent her to me the day after she hatched. It...
Hi! Laurie just called to let me know about this.
Dr. Anderson
Countryside Animal Hospital
Clearwater on Curlew between McMullen Booth and US 19
Oh wow this thread is old! 2007! I am still around, still keeping chams, dragons, geckos, tortoises and turtles and still go to Daytona and the larger shows, but just am not on the forum as much as I am busy with the horse and Great Danes! Added a new puppy to the crew this month!
What typically happens is that a non-chameleon experienced Vet immediately goes to Baytril and Panacur causing more harm than good. She had no idea if your cham even had parasites or if he even had an infection. You then see all these secondary issues like the dangling legs and gout like...
I scanned to see if anyone had brought it up-sorry I missed your post.
I am really not concerned with it being an accident or a breeding experiment, but I do question validity if facts are misrepresented.
There is a decent cham vet in Clearwater that I use. Message me for the information. The only gum color you should be converned about in your cham would be a very pale, almost white color. I fear you may be fighting a losing battle. It sounds like you are doing everything that can be done...
Your husbandry does not sound all that off, minus the fact that you may have been over supplementing with multivitamins. I am also never a fan of shuffling a cham back and forth between livivng situations. It also sounds like you have spent alot of money at the Vet, and I am not sure how...
Of course Laurie! You better have my phone mumber!
Yes-I did get a saddle, but I just plain do not remember the brand! He is completely not trained for Dressage, but I am at a Dressage barn with Prix St. George and Grand Prix level riders that are putting some time on him for me! He is...
Wow-you know you have not been on in awhile when there are 3000+ new posts! My lizard herd is alive and well, I am hatching out baby crested geckos by the second it seems. Work has kept me plenty busy, and my granddaughter who is going to be one in October. And, as many of you know, my...
I wish you the best of luck with them. None of mine ended up making it-not too surprising for a surprise retained clutch that I was not expecting. They surely are super cute! See you this weekend!
Those eggs do not look very good to me. Brevs usually always come out within 24 hours after the egg starts sweating, and even though it is hard to see in the pictures, it does not look like normal sweating. Some eggs/babies just won't make it-but don't give up-there are plenty that do.
Jared Cain-Your female unexpectedly dropped babies on me last night. 3 were ill formed and did not make it. 5 are alive but do not seem to be doing well. Tonight when I got home from work they were all sleeping, and weirdly enough by touching them they woke up and ate fruit flies-but now...